Eye Conditions

Eye Conditions Optometrists treat and diagnose a wide range of vision and ocular health problems, and can provide advice, treatment plans or referrals to manage all manner of concerns.Whether you need an eye exam to update your spectacles, or have a question or are...

Amblyopia: Lazy Eye Symptoms and Treatment

 Amblyopia: Lazy Eye Symptoms and Treatment Amblyopia is a condition when one eye is unable to see as well as the other eye, even with glasses correction. This is also loosely called ‘lazy eye’. Amblyopia occurs when the brain is unable to process what one eye sees as...

All You Need to Know About Myopia

All You Need to Know About Myopia (near-sightedness)     Myopia, or near-sightedness, is a type of refractive error or an eye focusing disorder, where objects up close look clear but distant objects look blurred. It is one of the most common vision problems...