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Glaucoma: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Optic nerve at the back of the eye

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a condition that affects the optic nerve at the back of the eye. The optic nerve is a crucial component of vision as it is responsible for transmitting information from the eyes to the brain. In glaucoma, the optic nerve progressively deteriorates over time, leading to permanent vision loss. Eventually, it can lead to tunnel vision.

Early detection of glaucoma is imperative to reduce the permanent effects of progressive vision loss. The earlier it is detected, the better the chances of preserving vision.

Glaucoma is related to intraocular pressure (pressure exerted by the eye). High intraocular pressures can lead to glaucoma, however even eyes with normal or low intraocular pressures can have glaucoma.


Older person with glaucoma

Which age groups are at high risk?


People in higher age groups are more susceptible to this disease. People who are aged 80 years or older are 17 times more likely to have glaucoma, compared to people less than 50 years old. Having said that, glaucoma can still be found in people under 50 years old.


What are Glaucoma symptoms?


Early stages of glaucoma are asymtomatic, however as the condition progresses, peripheral vision loss can be noticed. Therefore, it is crucial to have regular eye check-ups to detect any glaucoma early on and treat it quickly.

There are different types of glaucoma and the signs and symptoms can vary accordingly. Optometrists have various methods of assessing the eye pressure, the peripheral fields of view, corneal thickness, as well as the health of the nerve structures at the back of the eye


Glaucoma test

What causes Glaucoma?


The exact cause of glaucoma is still unknown, however it is strongly related to eye pressure and other factors.

Eye pressure is related to the amount of fluid inside the eye.

This fluid is called aqueous humour and normally travels through the eye like a water pump system. When there is an overproduction of aqueous humour or a blockage in the drainage channels, the fluid can build up and cause eye pressure to increase. Increase in eye pressure can cause damage to the optic nerve, leading to progressive vision loss.

There are other factors that can increase the risk of having glaucoma. These include:

  • Family history (if one of your parents, siblings or extended relatives have glaucoma)
  • Diabetes
  • Myopia (short-sightedness)
  • Smoking


How is Glaucoma treated?


Early diagnosis is of course paramount. Some optometrists treat glaucoma, others can refer to an opthalmologist. Careful follow-ups are essential.

Glaucoma is treated by lowering the eye pressure. The doctor may prescribe an eye drop or recommend laser or implant surgery. Surgery is generally reserved for severe cases of glaucoma or when eye drops do not work.


New prescription glasses



Regular eye testing can lead to early detection and treatment of glaucoma, to limit its effects on vision loss. The earlier the detection and treatment, the more vision that is able to be preserved.


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